The Box

Date et lieu


19h à 19h15 : Accueil

19h15 à 20h00 : The Box - Les performances Java

La présentation est en anglais

Concurrency & High Performance with Kirk Pepperdine from Kodewerk Ltd, Sun Java Champion and co-author, ANT Developer’s Handbook.

Both Intel and Microsoft have recently said that we, as developers, need to start delivering more concurrency in our applications. What does this mean? How did we get to this point?

In this talk, we will look at the trend towards more and more cores and what this means for Java programmers. Can we expect that our Java applications will automatically take advantage of the extra processors, or will we need to become more aware of the hardware aspects of our system?

What will be covered:

  • What’s behind the trend towards concurrency;
  • What developers must be prepared for with concurrency moving forward;
  • What concurrency looked like in earlier JDKs, and how it’s evolved today;
  • How you can tell if you have a performance bottleneck because of concurrency.

Par Kirk Pepperdine

20h00 à 20h45 : Questions / Réponses

Le Paris JUG est ouvert à tous. Utilisez ce moment pour poser vos questions et nous faire part de vos suggestions.

20h30 : Buffet offert par la société jaxio


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