(D)DDD and CQ(R)S to Cloud Architectures

Date et lieu

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19h15 à 19h30: Accueil

19h30 - Applying (D)DDD and CQ(R)S to Cloud Architectures with Java, Spring Boot, Kafka and Docker

Many software architectures may benefit from the introduction of (Distributed) Domain-Driven Design and Command Query (Responsibility) Separation.
No matter if you are maintaining large legacy software systems whether you start a new microservices platform as greenfield approach one always has to think about the domain language and service design.
In this session I want to show you at a given example application how to get started with introducing domain models, bounded contexts and implementing CQRS where it makes most sense while trying to avoid the technical debt trap e.g. misconceptions and fallacies.

The session consists of several parts which outline the theory behind the building blocks in conjunction with according real world implementation examples.
The provided code is based on modern technology standards: Java, Kotlin, Spring (Boot, REST, JPA, Messaging), RabbitMQ, Kafka, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Docker, Kubernetes.

At the end you will be able to apply many DDD principles on your own and have learned how to tailor systems according to their domain – effectively and efficiently.

Par Benjamin Nothdurft

20h30 à 21h00 : Buffet

21h00 - API Gateways - Gateways to Hell?

APIs and API management have gained a high significance.
That’s why you can barely find architectures without a kind of API gateway.
But what are API gateways and what are their benefits?
In addition to the protection against external threats, such a central component may lead to various features to be desired.
This talk will address many of these numerous requirements and offer suggestions which of these can be rejected and implemented in a different way.
In addition to an overview of existing open source solutions, there will be recommendations on how to proceed with the selection of a good API gateway.

par Michael Follmann

22h00 à …

3ème mi-temps des juggers dans un lieu sélectionné par votre Crew ;-)

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