William Louth

William Louth is the CTO at JINSPIRED BV and the product architect of its innovative application performance management and resource metering solution, JXInsight/OpenCore, as well as JXInsight/Opus, JXInsight/Simz and JXInsight/Signals. He is recognized as one of the top engineers in the software performance engineering field. He has previously worked for Inprise/Borland on JavaEE/CORBA technologies and has provided technical advisory consultancy to many of the leading JVM & IT management vendors in the area of performance management, software runtime visualization, application deployment modeling and federated CMDB design. 

William spent his early engineering years in the telecommunication industry developing GSM billing engine software as well as least cost routing (LCR) systems for Europe wide traffic at AT&T. William has spoken at many conferences on performance measurement, runtime diagnostics and software execution costing & optimization management in the cloud including JavaOne, CloudConnect, CloudCamp, Velocity, BorCon, Jazoon, Software Test & Performance and JAX. 

He writes frequently on Quality of Service (QoS), API design, data visualization, complex adaptive systems, and intelligent instrumentation & measurement in the context of application runtimes and platforms on http://www.jinspired.com.

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